Probably the most iconic lightsaber in the entire Star Wars series is the purple one. It’s used by many characters including Mace Windu, Vaapad, and Mara Jade.
Among the many colored lightsabers in the Star Wars galaxy, the purple lightsaber is one of the most mysterious. Its origins are still unknown, but some popular characters have used it. The color purple is thought to represent wisdom. It is also a royal color. It is a blend of red and blue. Despite the lack of a clear origin, most fans believe that the purple lightsaber represents the light and dark sides of the Force. While some have made the connection, others have argued that the blade is just a visual shorthand for Force allegiance.
Mace Windu is the only character in the Star Wars universe who carries a purple lightsaber. He is a Jedi Master and the most powerful Jedi other than Yoda. He was known for his swordsmanship and wise sayings. He developed a dangerous fighting technique called Vaapad. He also had glimpses of future battles with a purple lightsaber. Although Mace Windu is the only character in Star Wars who carries a purple lightsaber, it is not the first. The first major character to carry an indigo blade was introduced in 1991, with the Thrawn trilogy.
Mace Windu’s Purple Lightsaber
During the Clone Wars, Mace Windu had plenty of opportunities to use his purple lightsaber. His battle against Emperor Palpatine in Episode II is a memorable moment in Star Wars history. He is one of the most powerful Jedi of all time. His purple lightsaber is a unique weapon. It has a unique story and a unique meaning. It is considered the only lightsaber of its color in the galaxy. Initially, George Lucas resisted Mace Windu’s request for a purple lightsaber. But, he changed his mind later on.
The purple light saber has a unique backstory. According to legend, Mace Windu was obsessed with a purple crystal. The crystal was mined on a planet called Hurikane, an obscure part of Wild Space. The crystal was given to Windu by locals as a gift. But, the actual purple blade had to be created by Mace Windu. The crystal eventually became known as Windu’s Guille. Besides the obvious, the crystal is also thought to have been used to make Mara Jade Skywalker’s lightsaber.
Mara Jade’s Purple Lightsaber
Until recently, the purple lightsaber was a virtual non-entity in the Star Wars franchise. There were only a few Jedi who used it, and the only one who was able to wield it was Mace Windu. Mara Jade’s Neopixel saber was introduced in the book Heir to the Empire. It was constructed from a special lightsaber crystal given to her by Emperor Palpatine. She was also able to communicate with him over great distances. In addition to the lightsaber, she also received a hold-out blaster, which she used throughout the Galactic Civil War.
Eventually, Mara became a Jedi Master and a member of the New Jedi Order. She was known for her duality, having the ability to serve both the Light Side and the Dark Side. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, she suffered from severe health problems. Her death was made meaningful by Karen Traviss in her novel Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice. While Mara’s lightsaber was considered to be non-canon, her character was still a popular Legends character. In fact, Mara was mentioned in nearly 90 Expanded Universe works.
Vaapad’s Purple Lightsaber
Using a purple lightsaber is a style of fighting unique to the Star Wars universe. It is a mystical fighting style, which involves a Jedi tapping into the dark side of the Force. This style of fighting is called Vaapad.
It is a combat style that uses aggressive tactics and a fast pace. It also allows the practitioner to use dual lightsabers. The practitioner can make quick attacks, move around quickly, and take advantage of the darkness of his opponent. The practitioner may also be able to draw Force energy from his opponent. This is one of the more powerful fighting styles in the Star Wars galaxy.
The form of Vaapad is a very dangerous form, which requires the practitioner to be a strong Force user and have an affinity with the Dark Side. A Vaapad practitioner is able to absorb the Dark Force energy of an opponent and channel it back towards him. The practitioner is able to economize his or her energy, but can be very unpredictable.
Final Thought
During the prequel trilogy, many people were surprised to find out that the Jedi Mace Windu had a purple lightsaber. At the time, only a few warriors in the galaxy used a purple blade. The color of the blade is said to represent both the light and dark sides of the Force. It also represents royalty, good guy feelings, wisdom, and power.