The scandalous interview with Cristiano had both expected and unexpected consequences. Was it calculated by the athlete or just a “domino effect”?
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How it all began
From the outside, everything looks like a struggle for power. Ten Hag came to Manchester United as a head coach and with the expectation that his orders and requirements would be carried out immediately, and he would become a “god” for the players.
But it already had its own “icon”, so power would have to be shared. Apparently, any behavior of Krish would be wrong, since the Dutchman has his own outlook on life and sports, there is no place for big stars in his team. It seems that a similar buxic fate awaits Casimiro, despite all his tolerance and accommodating.
But it makes no sense to talk about all the ups and downs of the conflict between the player and the coach, since he left the dressing room.
Ronaldo attack
As a result, the football player gives a frank interview where he talks about the behavior of the coach, which corresponds to the classic gestures of a petty boss trying to “survive” a subordinate who is not in his power to fire. He also shares information about the problems of the club.
To increase interest, he “passes” other players.
It’s done, there are bets in the bookmakers on which club he will play for, betters are betting on whether he will stay at United.
- Cristiano is being written about again;
- haters and fans do not stop discussions;
- The owners of the club think about which of the two rivals to keep.
Manchester United FC return
Representatives of the club announced the termination of the contract with Krish. Moreover, the statement sounds so that it is clear that preference is given to Hag. According to official publications, it turns out that the contract was broken by agreement of the parties, Manchester United will not pay a penalty.
To be honest, I don’t really believe that lawyers from both sides were able to agree so quickly, after all, Ronaldo’s debt is tens of millions.
An unexpected stage of conflict
What exactly happened in FC is not exactly known, but literally immediately after the announcement of the break with Cristiano, Manchester United makes an announcement about the possibility of selling or attracting third-party capital.
Now they are talking about unrealistic amounts of five billion pounds or more. But all the previous history, articles in the media about the difficulties in the team, the loss of a star, a coach who did not justify hopes clearly knocks down the price.
It also raises questions such a quick putting up for sale by Manchester United, after talking about a contract with Ronaldo. Was a consensual goodbye too expensive? Or does he know something that will drive the value of the club’s assets even lower?